Melissa Fike

Passport Coach & Program Coordinator


Schedule an appointment with me!

Education: B.S. in Psychology (Texas Lutheran University), M.Ed in Higher Education- Student Affairs (Iowa State University)

Hello there! My name is Melissa and I serve as the Passport Coach and Program Coordinator for the Western Success Scholars. I have worked in Higher Education since 2014 in areas of academic success and student life with access and success of underserved and low-income students being at the center of my work. As a first-gen student without stable family support, college is where I found my footing and learned skills to plan my future, develop and attain goals, and take calculated risks. Now, I love helping students dream big, find their path, and overcome obstacles to reaching their goals. In my free time, I love to hike, sing, paint, and spend ample time with my pit mix, Luna. I am so excited to be in this role supporting the Western Success Scholars and cannot wait to meet you!

Quote: “Do your little bit of good where you are; it is those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”
— Archbishop Desmond Tutu